Shrike - The Build Log!
Posted on February 29, 2016 • 3 min read • 573 wordsWhat? Another Shrike build, identical except for Emax RS2205 Red Bottoms! :) Why? Race Season!
So, you’re probably bored to death and think oh my god another Shrike post??? Sorry guys, there’ll only be one more after this, honest :D
Anyway, race season is starting again, so I needed to decide on a frame to use. After getting to grips with my Shrike over the past few months it feels like the best choice for a super light race frame, and now I’ve designed a top plate it will carry a GoPro too for freestyle or just flying around. I decided to build two more Shrikes for the sole reason being that I can run with 2 near identical frames, and use the other one for testing components as I see fit.
With the new build I didn’t want to completely copy my previous build - there’s no fun unless you try new components. For that reason I figured I’d see what all the hype is about with the Emax RS2205’s. If you are active on any of the social media sites with regards to quad stuff, then you will have heard about them - they seem to be great performing motors that seem to last, and they’re cheap! The rest of the components will be identical to keep in line with my theme and provide a good base for identical quads in racing (motors aside).
You can see above both of my planned builds all laid out. I haven’t got very far with the other one, but will likely do another post with that one too. This one does not feature the KISS ESC’s currently as my budget does not stretch to 3 sets, but will however use the LittleBee 20A’s found on my previous Shrike before the rebuild to KISS. Everything else will be identical just like the other 2 builds, except I’ll be putting the T-Motor F40 2300kv V2’s on these. Again, something nice to compare against.
So, without any more delay, below you’ll find the build video. I have learnt a LOT on the way, and realised through editing the video there are so many areas I can improve on, and areas I am lacking. If I do another build video (if people enjoy it), then the next one will be much better.
Improvements noted for next time:
There’s other things too, but these are the main ones. Nevertheless, I spent a good amount of time filming, editing, and uploading this. YouTube spent even longer processing it, so hopefully it is of use to some of you guys, whether you are building a Shrike, a new quad with a KISS setup, or you are completely new to quads as a whole.
So that is now 2 of 3 in my Shrike/racing lineup, only one more to go…